Списък на домейни с буква В във фонетичната директория.
1. википедиа.орг (wikipedia.org) - An online collaborative encyclopedia
2. вордпресс.цом (wordpress.com) - Free blogs managed by the developers of the WordPress software. Includes custom design templates, integrated statistics, automatic spam protection and other features
3. виннер.бг (winner.bg) - Прогнози и залози на футболни мачове с награден фонд всеки месец. Статистика за прогнозите на потребителите
4. викимедиа.орг (wikimedia.org)
5. вебмастербг.орг (webmasterbg.org) - Форум за оптимизиране и популяризиране на уеб сайтове за търсещи машини
6. висдом.бг (wisdom.bg)
7. винамп.цом (winamp.com) - Plays and encodes AAC/MP4 with internal plugins since version 5.0, also decodes aacPlus Shoutcast streams and other formats
8. веб-тоурист.нет (web-tourist.net) - Уеб програмиране. Уроци за Html, php, mysql, perl, javascript ,CSS, flash и photoshop. phpBB - mods and templates.mIRC. Уеб дизайн.Готови скриптове и темплейти. SEO checker. Web design
9. врзру.цом (wrzru.com)
10. виззаир.цом (wizzair.com) - Infos zu Reise- und Gepäckbestimmungen sowie zu den Reisezielen
11. вебсхотс.цом (webshots.com) - A photo and video sharing site. Free and premium memberships
12. вов-еуропе.цом (wow-europe.com) - Offizielle Anbietersite von Blizzard Entertainment mit umfangreichen Infos zum Spiel und den Spiele-Servern
13. вовхеад.цом (wowhead.com) - A database website for World of Warcraft
14. виктионаръ.орг (wiktionary.org) - Collaborative project for creating a free lexical database in every language, complete with meanings, etymologies, and pronunciations
15. веб-бг.цом (web-bg.com)
16. вебцафе.бг (webcafe.bg)
17. викиа.цом (wikia.com) - Free wiki hosting from Wikia, using the same MediaWiki software that runs Wikipedia
18. в3сцхоолс.цом (w3schools.com)
19. вордпресс.орг (wordpress.org) - A semantic personal publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability.y
20. вармпортраит.цом (warmportrait.com)
21. вебстаге.бг (webstage.bg)
22. вундергроунд.цом (wunderground.com) - Weather forecasts for the U.S. and the world with a fast, easy to use interface. Includes weather maps, graphics and radar images
23. виттъфеед.цом (wittyfeed.com)
24. вееблъ.цом (weebly.com) - Outil gratuit permettant de créer simplement un site internet avec des fonctionnalités multimédia. [Multilingue.]
25. виь.цом (wix.com) - We empower people like you to create your own online presence for free and exactly the way you want. Create your own original website that reflects you or your brand and get online today. We keep complex techy processes behind the curtain and guarantee that your experience is simple, fun and code-free. Wix has something for everyone, so whether you’re a photographer, musician, small business owner, entrepreneur, bride or student, we provide all the tools and features you need to build an amazing online presence for FREE
26. вебножинар.цом (webnovinar.com)
27. ветрансфер.цом (wetransfer.com) - The easy way to send big files
28. витхгоогле.цом (withgoogle.com)
29. викихов.цом (wikihow.com)
30. виьсите.цом (wixsite.com)
31. вордреференце.цом (wordreference.com) - Dictionary containing English to/from Spanish, French, German, and Italian, and a language forum.m
32. ватцхмъгирлфриенд.тж (watchmygirlfriend.tv)
33. веежах2.топ (weevah2.top)